Alright, let's make this professional. Ugh. XD
• Art and Animation
My hobby and future career. I live and breath this stuff. My particular focus as the individual I am are my own characters (Chaos being my main, poke around if you wish to learn more about her). I draw animals for the most art, but I also expand to humans, anthros, and some machinery. I also make fan art quite often, so be sure to look out for those.
• Editing
I originally came to youtube editing, and because it's very enjoyable, I still do. :)
• Programs
I use: Photoshop CS4, Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0, Hypercam, and Adobe Flash CS4.
I do not draw for free. Sorry. :( See my deviantart page about gaining some of my artwork.
Do not copy or redistribute anything within my works. None of it is free to use.