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Danny is an 8 year old gamer who LOVES playing video games &

VICTORY ROYALE 02-24-2025 #FORTNITE FORTNITE C6S2 LAWLESS BATTLE ROYALE ZERO BUILD VICTORY ROYALE WITH MY MOM! DEFEATING THE STORM KING IN LEGO FORTNITE WITH MY DAD #shorts #fortnite #fortniteclips FULL FIGHT FROM FORTNITE PORTAL LIVE EVENT I FOUND THE ZAPATRON IN #FORTNITEOG TEACHING MY LITTLE SISTER HOW TO PLAY FORTNITE WHEN THIS HAPPENED FORTNITE DUO ZERO BUILD VICTORY ROYALE 01/12/2025 - #shorts 8 Year Old Gets A Fortnite Reload Victory Royale With 18 Elims #fortnite #kidgamer #shorts FORTNITE NEW YEARS 2024 #FIREWORKS #SHORT #fortnitereaction MY DAD INTERRUPTED BY VIDEO WITH AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Fortnite Reload Win 12/17/2024 I GOT MY 1ST FORTNITE OG VICTORY ROYALE WITH MY DAD! #shorts #fortniteclips #fortnite #kidgamer My 2nd Victory Royale of Fortnite Chapter 6 - Solo Zero Build My First #Fortnite Chapter 6 #VictoryRoyale With My Parents The most wholesome 60 second of Fortnite you'll watch today DROPPING INTO THE NEW FORTNITE SEASON 6 MAP FOR THE FIRST TIME 8 YEAR OLD REACTS TO THE NEW SPAWN ISLAND IN FORTNITE HUNTERS FORTNITE ZERO BUILD SOLO VICTORY ROYALE 11/29/24 #shorts #fortnite #victoryroyale Fortntie Zero Build Solo Victory Royales 11/26/24 #shorts #fortnite Juice Wrld In Fortnite Replay Mode - Is He Holding A Zero Point? JUICE WRLD FORTNITE UPDATE PHASE 3 - REMIX THE FINALE COUNTDOWN JUICE WRLD FORTNITE UPDATE PHASE 2 - REMIX THE FINALE COUNTDOWN Fortnite Solo Zero Build Victory Royale 11/22/24 #shorts #fortniteclips #fortnite He's Comin' In Hot! #fortnite #streamerkid #gaming #fortnitefamilyfriendly CHECKING OUT THE NEW EMINEM MOM'S SPAGHETTI POI ON DAY 1 IN FORTNITE BE LIKE...... RESTORED REELS UPDATES AGAIN! #fortniteremix #Shorts #Reaction Second update to Restored Reels in Fortnite SOMETHING IS HAPPEING AT RESTORED REELS IN FORTNITE! Fortnite Zero Build Victory Royale 10-28-2024 #shorts MY FIRST VICTORY ROYALE OF FORTNITEMARES 2024 #gaming #fortniteclips #reaction #shorts #streamerkid MY NEW HALLOWEEN INTRO FOR MY FORTNITE VIDEOS #fortnitefamilyfriendly #gaming #streamerkid #kidgamer New TMNT Mini Battle Royale Custom Fortnite Map Coming Soon! DEFEATING DOCTOR DOOM FORTNITE LIVE EVENT WAS EPIC! 8 YEAR OLD GETS HIS SECOND VICTORY VON DOOM IN FORTNITE! I CLAIMED DOOM ISLAND AND BECAME DOCTOR DOOM ON FORTNITE AGAIN! 8 YEAR OLD GETS HIS FIRST VICTORY VON DOOM IN FORTNITE! I CLAIMED DOOM ISLAND AND BECAME DOCTOR DOOM ON FORTNITE! Taking A Ride On The Hand of Doom For The First Time In #Fortnite That Feeling You Get When You Finally Unlock Doctor Doom In #Fortntite We Got Eliminated In Fortnite By An OG Rust Lord Skin Today Meeting Fred The Demon Man during a custom Fortnite Doomsday Live Event #fortniteclips Those Dual Machine Guns Are OP! - Fortnite New Season Day 1 I Think Fortnite Broke Me - New Season Day 1 Playing Fortnite's New Season on Day1 Be Like..... 8 Year Old Wins Fortnite Duo Victory Royale With His Dad My First Fortnite Absolute Doom Victory Royale With My Dad How To Get A Guaranteed Marvel Mythic or Epic As Soon As You Land in Fortnite Absolute Doom The Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 Live Event was EPIC