Life is an ongoing thing. The passage of meaning falls through the brim of the top hat each time. To encapsulate it all would be to map the binaries backwards to the infinitesimally small limit to zero.
Meaning lies in the reflection, the black mirror. Authorial intent becomes obfuscated for the sake of perception and obscurity. We are only distinguished by distinction.
I'm becoming terrified I may have dealt with acute schizophrenia my whole life, but probably would never bring this up to anybody. I crave the company of others, it helps to destroy the illusion of loneliness. Death has always been an option, but never fully taken, if only approached.
A Michael Snow film totally changed how I see film, but Trecartin, Linklater, and Kubrick planted the seeds. Our existence is an interactive one, however, and so the camera is in these films a major actor as well. Sound and immersion are also factors, as well as literary merits.