in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
I’m sorry but I’ve got to cancel live tonight. I’m just exhausted. We will cover 1 Peter & 2 Peter next week. May God bless others all until then.
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I will not be able to do the live this week. I am not well. Please keep up with your reading & we will catch up next week or the next. Thank you!
Have a blessed week everyone.
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Good evening everyone! I apologize, but tonight’s live is canceled. I’m going to try to do it tomorrow at the same time. Satan is working overtime in an effort to prevent my lives from happening. But he will not win! God bless you all!
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Hello everyone! Sorry the live needs to be CA today & I would like you to try to do it another day, but can’t be tomorrow, since we just finished the book of 1 Corinthians. I’m so sorry for this. Please let me know if you want to do it another day this week @ the same time or just CA until next week? Thanks
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Hello everyone! Sorry the live needs to be CA today & I would like you to try to do it tomorrow, since we just finished the book of Romans. I’m so sorry for this. Please let me know if you want to do it tomorrow @ the same time or just CA until next week? Thanks
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Hello everyone! Due to unforeseen circumstances I have to cancel tonight live. Thank you for understanding. See you next week. Have a blessed week!
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I’m sorry, but the Live with Lottie has to be canceled today. I am not well! See you all next month.
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Hello friends!
I need to apologize that there will be no video today. Unfortunately, I have run out of pre-recorded content & am having some breathing issues. I hope to be back by Sunday!
May you all have a blessed week! Until next time, May God bless you today & everyday!
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Hello friends!
Unfortunately, the Crafting Circle Hour with Lottie & I is being canceled for Monday the 18th of Oct 2021. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. God bless you all! Until next time, have wonderful days. Thank you for your understanding.
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This is a new channel where I discuss different ideas for doing crochet, I also will be showing my own designs. As well as unboxing and yarn reviews. I am starting to do yarn dyeing & knitting as well. Please don’t forget to subscribe.