Hi Youtube friends, I am Julia. I have been living in the United States for 10 years. My belief is: when you open your heart to the world, the world will open itself to you. In my channel, I will share my experiences in daily life, in my career development and entrepreneurial endeavors, and in giving back to the community. Thank you for watching, sharing, and subscribing to my channel. 我是小朱,来美国10年,當我們打開心靈,世界將會向我們敞開胸懷,在這裏我將跟大家共同分享我在美国十年時間,從留學到工作和創業包括從事公益與社區服務那些感悟,收获和成长。感謝大家的收看、分享和訂閱。祝大家好運!