Main naseem bibBro my name is naseem bibi my youtube channel name is wazifanaseem 786 and currently my channel has about 232-6 thousand subscribers and my content topic is news program anchor, voice over artist, and a strong believer. Because opinions matter I love sharing my experiences through digital content to inform and inspire others. Here you will find the latest news and topics related to current affairs and politics in Pakistan and around the world. Wazifa Naseem 786 is a platform where we will discuss all social issues. Our videos include breaking news, motivational videos. , Islamic and psychological lectures related to Urdu poetry, interviews, Islamic lectures, and recitation of the Holy Quran.
لائک، سبسکرائب، کمنٹ اور شیئر کریں 03346385543masnoon duaaen aqwal Pesh kiye jaenge