Welcome! Be sure to subscribe so you are up to date on new uploads and information! This site contains previews and video of all kinds of Kenpo stuff, some from our PKI and Tiger Dragon class or classes and Seminars in and around the northwest Seattle area. But primarily moving to host the Phasic Kombatives Integrated Materials for students and affiliates of the PKKA organization. If you are interested in learning the PKI curriculum contact us and we can get you set up on a distance learning program.
There are also many hidden videos here found only via a QR code found on the KenPosters set created by Mr. Durgan to augment materials found in his first book "Constituents of Contact Manipulation". If you don't have the poster set you can't see the videos. Get yours today at Kenpoguy.com Mr. Durgan is also available for workshops and seminars inquire at legacykenpo@gmail.com