Whatsup its King Marcel and I'm a artist & producer, editor, engineer etc. born and raised in Virginia and head of the dopest, most genuine community on and off the internet, ROYALTY. I'm chasing my dream of transforming into a true artist and expanding this community ten fold. My musical journey started in 2012 when I began writing music that was mainly rap after deep diving into and growing a deep interest and love for hip-hop culture. In 2017 at age 17 I started taking music even more seriously and started to record and mix my own. To this day I still work to turn my dreams into reality. I hope that you enjoy what I create and stay with me, stay with us as part of the conglomerate family. #WeAreROYALTY
RIP Matonges aka "Yungmangomusic" 🙏🏾❤️🕊
Thank You!