in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
G'day Everyone! I have a million half started scripts and not sure which to go with...are there any triggers or storylines you'd like to see? upvote the one you like best and i'll see what I can work up next! I'll be considering all feedback! :) Accents? Trigger Words? Meditations? Realism? Etc?
45 - 9
G'day mates! I've not been posting so much to this side channel, but audios are better to edit on a PC that barely works....
Do you have any ideas for audios you'd like to see here? COMMENT BELOW!
17 - 4
This channel is a sister channel to "Shhheila" (a lofi medium-fi ASMR and relaxation channel)
This channel will feature Audios:
Meditations / Visualisations
Sleep Stories / Voice Acting
Layered ASMR
Soundscapes / Ambiences