"Bike&Raft" is the haven for ONE PIECE enthusiasts, the renowned manga by Eiichiro Oda. This adventure began in 2011, thanks to the passion of Gabriele "The King" and Frank "The Abominable", which has now become a thematic channel dissecting the manga's chapters and exploring their connections with culture, history, geography, and mythology, revealing the deepest and hidden meanings of Oda's work. Each video is a journey into the universe of ONE PIECE, an adventure across stormy seas, mysterious islands, quirky characters, hidden treasures, and epic battles. The "Bike&Raft" channel serves as a compass for navigating the vast world of ONE PIECE, an opportunity to discover new horizons and to delve into the themes and characters that make ONE PIECE a timeless manga. With us, ONE PIECE becomes not just a story, but a real overview of the world through the brilliant eyes of Eiichiro Oda.