~ Hi folks! Thank you so much for visiting my channel and watching my videos. It means a lot, seriously :).
I always accept requests but I might be too busy sometimes, so I won´t be able to make them all. It´s not only a matter of time but of inspiration as well. Anyways, you can always suggest me stuff you like :D.
I use Sony Vegas and movies on DVD/Blu-Ray to make all my videos, but if I am too desperate, I use Youtube or Torrents in high quality. Music is suggested to me by other users or I work with my favourite songs as well.
You can ask me for checking out your channel, but I´ll just follow you if I really like your videos.
Don´t try to steal my videos because I´ll find out. I am not a professional, but it takes a lot of time to make them. It´s also quite annoying to see someone stealing and claiming them as her/his own.
~ Everything´s simply a matter of effort ;).