At the end of 2021, I found the cutest little snails in my backyard! At first, I only saw 5-7 at any given time. Before too long I counted 12 total (double digits LOL)... and then 19, then 35, now I stop counting at 100!!! I really enjoy observing these snails, and I feed them regularly.
I have become quite the snail-admirer, a snail-hobbyist...shucks, I am downright snail-obsessed!
Last year, after much deliberation, a fair amount of research, and the weather shifting to summer, I decided, it was time to bring these little cuties inside! I was given a 65-gallon tank, 36"x18"x25", and in April 2022 I began purchasing and making various elements for the snaily's new home. Plans changed many times, and it became time to introduce them to their new home! Once again plans changed, well this time they just got delayed.
I was urged to create this channel as an outlet to share my obsession. If you enjoy snails too, please like & subscribe. I'd love to hear from you!