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Sfiso S.Mtsweni

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40kg🔥 #shoulder #shoulderworkout #pump #frontdelts #3dshoulder #peace #motivation #discipline 11kg each arm🔥#gymmotivation #discipline #pump #backworkout #dumbellrows #dumbbells #backday Superset🔥#discipline #gymmotivation #gymmindset #pump #bicepsworkou#bicepes #bicepcurls#hammercurls 14kg🔥 superset #bicpesworkout #bicepes #arm #superset #triceps #tricepsworkout #gymmotivation #pump 40kg🔥#discipline #motivation #gymmotivation #pump #heavyweight #bicepsworkout #bicep #2025 10kg each arm🔥#bicepsworkout #biceps #bicep #gymmotivation#motivation#anime#animemotivation#onepiece 20kg🔥 #motivation #gymmotivation #pumplife #discipline #dedication #peace 104kg🔥 #legworkout #legday #squat #squatworkout #motivation #discipline #quadsworkout #quads #heavy 150kg🔥#deadlift #heavyweight #lightweight #gymmotivation #motivation#discipline #backworkout#backday 80kg🔥 new pr #heavyweight #pump #chest #chestday #chestworkout #discipline #peace #gymmindset #gym 44kg🔥 #pumplife #biceps #bicepsworkout #armworkout #heavyweight #gymmotivation#motivation#discipline 20kg each arm🔥 @savvas11x #biceps #bicepsworkout #gymmotivation #motivation #discipline#armworkout 28kg#🔥 #backworkout #backday #upperbackworkout #lightweight #peace #discipline #peace #gymmindset 40kg🔥 #chest #chestworkout #declinechestworkout #declinebenchpress #grindallday #lightweight #peace 120kg🔥 ##backworkout #gymmotivation #pumplife #discipline #deadlift #heavyweight #grindseason 24kg🔥 #tricepday #pump #discipline #gymmotivation #phonk#music#grindday#tricepsworkout#skullcrushers 60kg🔥 #chestday #pumplife #grindseason #phonkmusic #phonk #chestworkout#weight#benching #heavyweight 44kg🔥 #motivation #gymmotivation #gymmindset #andrewtate #tate #legworkout #hamstrings #legday #pump I'm back baby🔥 #motivation #gymmotivation #gymmindset #andrewtate #tate #pumplife #chestday #chest Miss being in thegymit'sbeen1week5days#missingthegym#missthepump#motivation#legworkout#bodybuilding 40🔥 #legworkout #legday #hamstring #hamstringworkout #motivation #peace #pump #peace #gymmotivation 1 stack🔥#triceps #tricepsworkout #tricepsexercise #tricepday #pump #discipline #peace #gymmindset 55kg🔥#gymmotivation #motivation #backworkout #peace #discipline #backday #tbar #music #grindday 24 kg🔥 #shoulderworkout #shoulders #pump #backworkout #peace #discipline #gymmotivation #motivation Superset🔥 #legworkout #quad #legday #quadsworkout #squats #squat #squatworkout #pump #discipline#fit 2 stack🔥 #music #backday #backworkout #latworkout #lat #motivation #discipline #peace #pump #grind Trying calisthenics for the first time😁 #calisthenics #gripstrength #power #gymmotivation #heat 7Stack🔥 #backday #backworkout #backworkoutsgiveyouwings #motivation #discipline #peace #grindday Superset🔥 #gymmotivation #motivation #grindday #discipline #inclinedumbbellpress #chestday #dumbbell 84kg🔥 #gymmotivation #gymmindset#peace #discipline #squat #squatworkout #heavyweight #quadsquad 44kg🔥#discipline #peace #gymmindset #gymmotivation #pump #peaceful #fullbodyworkout #heat 22kg🔥unusual heat🥵#trapsworkout #trapgym #pump #discipline #gymmotivation #gymmindset #peace #grind 20kgeacharm🔥#motivation #discipline #peaceful #peace #inclinedumbbellpress#chestday #shorts #gymlife 20kg🔥 even though it raining we hit the gym#gymmotivation #motivation #discipline #legworkout #quad 20kg🔥 dumbbell #discipline #backworkout #backday #lowerbodyworkout #grindday #gymmotivation #peace 37kg🔥 #upperbodyworkout #upperchestworkout #chest #motivation #discipline #gymmotivation #grindday 44kg🔥 going heavy on the shoulder #shoulderworkout #shoulderday #inspiration #motivation #discipline 150kg🔥#discipline #deadlift #power #backworkout #backday #grindallday #heavyweight #lightweight 20 kg🔥 #discipline #grindday #grindallday #shoulderworkout #shoulderday #grindseason #inspiration 40kg🔥#gymmotivation #motivation #backworkout #backday #grindallday #peaceful #nopainnogain 20kg each arm🔥 #chest #chestday #chestworkout #dumbellpress #pump #grind #grinding 40lbs🔥 #tricepsworkout #triceps #skullcrushers #tricepday #pump #grind #grinding Superset 🔥 #gymmotivation #motivation #chest #chestday #chestworkout #vusithembekwayo 10kg each arm🔥 #gymmotivation #motivation #armworkout #triceps #tricepsworkout #tricepsexercise 53kg🔥 #grind #backworkout #backday #upperbackworkout #upperback 15 kg each side🔥 #shoulderworkout #shoulderday ##frontdelts #inspiration #hardwork 20kg🔥 #forearms #forearmsworkout #gymmotivation #motivation #ninjaturtles Shoulder workout with my gym bro🔥 #gymmotivation #motivation #discipline #shoulderworkout #pump #fit