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I love life and I love motorbikes! Join and go on an adventu

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 6 months ago

My morning addiction 🤩 cappuccino and eggs ☕️ I can't get out of bed without a good coffee 🤣 are you the same?

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Posted 6 months ago

Bramborové knedlíky … mňam 😄 … a ještě ve společnosti tohoto krásného stroje a ještě jednoho😍 … bohužel to není u mě doma, i když o tom sním 😴 že jednou budu mít v obýváčku … ložnici 😅 … svůj vysněný stroj a Rajdu (Panigale 1199❤️) ➡️ tato úžasná restaurace a hotel 😃 se nachází v Děčíně ✌️a jmenuje se ➡️ VÝPŘEŽ / Hotel Výpřež Děčín / motorky mají v prvním patře 🏍️🏍️ … takže pokud toto místo navštívíte, určitě sem přidejte do komentu foto 🙏😘 jooooo a přiznejte se, kdo má doma v obýváku / ložnici moto? 😂 🙏✌️ Kamenická 692, Děčín

Potato dumplings ... yum 😄 ... and in the company of this beautiful machine and one more 😍 ... unfortunately I don't have it at home, even though I dream about it 😴 ➡️ this amazing restaurant and hotel 😃 is in Děčín ✌️and its name is ➡️ VYPREŽ / Hotel Vyprež Děčín / they have motorbikes on the first floor 🏍️

5 - 0

Posted 6 months ago

Ducati Multistrada V4 mě vzala na vrchol 😄 přesněji na Ještěd, kde stojí slavná věž ukrývající vysílač a horský hotel s restaurací. Místo nabízí jedinečný pohled na Liberec a okolí. S Moto se sem dostanete úplně v pohodě, jen to chce dávat opravdu velký pozor na turisty a štěrk na cestě. Počítejte, že dáte nějakou tu kačku za parkovné. Ubytování na tak výjimečném místě je prý velký zážitek.

Pokud vás zajímají moje pocity z Multistrady V4, tak tahle ITALKA má jedním slovem “sametový” motor. Čtyřválec Grandturismo je brutální a velmi pružný. Rychlosti tam sázíte plynule a bezchybně. Brzdy fungují jak jinak 👍 než spolehlivě.

The Ducati Multistrada V4 took me to the top 😄 more precisely to Ještěd, where there is a well-known tower hiding a transmitter and a mountain hotel with a restaurant. The place offers a unique view of Liberec and its surroundings. You can get here with a MOTO just fine, you just have to be really careful of tourists and gravel along the way. Parking fee is charged.

If you are interested in my feelings about the Multistrada V4, this ITALKA has, in a word, a "velvet" engine. The four-cylinder Grandturismo is brutal and very flexible. You set the speeds there smoothly and flawlessly. The brakes work as otherwise 👍 than reliably.

8 - 2

Posted 6 months ago

CFMOTO 800MT je motocykl, který se přizpůsobí vašim potřebám a jízdním situacím. Můžete si ho vyzkoušet u Dcx Moto 👍DOPORUČUJI! Já si den s tímto krasavcem užila! 🫶🏻

The CFMOTO 800MT is a motorcycle that adapts to your needs and riding situations ✌️

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Posted 6 months ago

Ducati Multistrada 🤍

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Posted 6 months ago

Kaprun 🩵 Austria - these are mountains, water, places to recharge your energy and cultural wealth. In Austria, this atmosphere can literally be felt in the air: lightness and freedom in nature and joy of life.

14 - 3

Posted 7 months ago

My DARK LOVE 🖤 Harley-Davidson Fat Bob 114 my aggressive devil and carefree friend until uncomfortable 😄 Riding this bike is fun and one can relax and enjoy the ride. In a word, for me, this bike is comfortable, but it can take your breath away with its power 👍

11 - 0

Posted 7 months ago

I wanted to thank you for following and supporting me. I really appreciate it! ❤️

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Posted 7 months ago

Hi, I just got home from a motorcycle trip yesterday. I have about 2,000 km on my Panigale 1199 red devil! The first day, when I drove over 460 km, was the hardest for me, I was physically very tired. The Panigale is one of the heaviest bikes and the weight of the body goes a lot on the arms and part on the legs - thighs. Plus, it's a noisy bike, so I could hear its sound in my head all night and into the morning. The next day it turned around and my body felt better. Originally, I was only supposed to ride the motorcycle to the hotel and then treat myself to wellness as a reward. 🧖‍♀️😀I arrived at the hotel and the surroundings captivated me so much that I checked in, left my things in the room and drove around Kaprun and its surroundings. I arrived at the room only in the evening. This is exactly what my head needed, this is exactly one of the reasons why I ride a motorcycle! All worries go away and all I perceive is riding my Panigale, which doesn't let me think about crap for a second! The following days, my body handled long and demanding rides in all conditions perfectly! All I wanted when I rode was to ride even more... my body found a new comfortable position and my mind rested. The physical training paid off. ❤️

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Posted 7 months ago

I just adore my red devil Ducati Panigale 1199! It's the most demanding bike I've ever ridden, but I enjoy it all the more because it pushes me further ❤️

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