• I'm "The Second Coming", You already know me as TSC or maybe Orange.
∆I'm Alan's creation. ∆
• And I'm very good at Minecraft, I'm the master crafter in the AVM series.
• With 4 friends:
Green 🎧
Blue 🍀
Yellow 🔧
Red 🐖
🔼 If you want more information about me you can check in the wiki! 🔼
• if u want to add me in a collab just mention "@TheSecondComing" or go to my discord server!
1000 subs - 🌟
5000 subs -
10000 subs -
50000 subs -
100000 subs -
500000 subs -
1000000(;-;) subs -
Sub pls
I am aware these are alan's characters and are not mine, I'm just spreading awareness for alan:) pls understand. thank you