in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
People ask how my life changed. How was I healed in so many ways from chronic illnesses and mental illness and trauma. How did breakthrough come?
And I cannot give an answer without saying, time with Him. Every single day I go to Him. Every single day, I let Him teach me. Every single day, I wait on Him. I sit and let Him love me. Every single day, I show up, I surrender a deeper part of my heart. And every single day, He is waiting for me. To love me. To reveal things to me. To give me my next step. To heal me. To show me my purpose. To be with me.
Episode 3 of Hope Catalyst is all about personally and deeply knowing God for yourself and finding the true fulfillment and wholeness that only comes from Him.…
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I was laying in a hospital bed warring with the reality that had seemingly become my life...Did I just lose all my independence overnight? What is the doctor saying? What does chronic even mean? I’ll never get better? How it that even possible?
I couldn’t reconcile what I was hearing. I was only 21. I was young. I was alive. I had goals. I had a full life. I was adventurous. I was a professional dancer. An athlete. Ambitious. Hopeful.
I laid in that bed and it hit me.
I was in a war now.
A war I never knew to be prepared for.
As I lay there, the lies began to flood my mind and my hospital room. The enemy worked overtime to make me question God's goodness, His nature, whether or not He loved me.
On our new “Hope Catalyst Podcast” episode, Justin and I are sharing more of this testimony and sharing the true nature of who God really is. We are unpacking His love for you and the truth of His goodness. It is a powerful episode with powerful truth that has the capacity to completely transform your life if you have ears to hear. I hope it blesses you.…
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I was in my bathtub a while back and I just started sobbing. Ugly cry sobbing. Not because of sadness or grief or pain, but because I was so ridiculously amazed and thankful that the personality and hangups I thought were me that tormented me, were no longer part of me and I was truly free in my heart and mind. God changed my life.
As believers we have to learn to separate ourselves from the demonic world that is warring against our minds.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. -Ephesians 6:12
When you are feeling anxious and fighting an anxiety disorder, you are actually being influenced by the nature of a spirit of anxiety. It is giving you its thoughts, its feelings, its emotions and working through your flesh. When it loses power and is cast out, those feelings, those urges, those overwhelming moments of anxiety and panic leave along with the source that brought them.
But it is a HUGE paradigm shift especially in this western world. We are taught things like anxiety is normal and that all we can do is medicate, counsel and raise awareness, making space and accommodation for afflictions like this.
But I am here to tell you, these things do not have to be managed or coped with. They can be fully defeated through the blood of Jesus. BUT we have to know how. If you are looking to be free in these areas, I hope my latest blog “The Voices in Your Head Aren’t You... The Truth About Your Thought Life” and other recent blogs can help show you not only what is possible but how to actually get there.
If you need prayer, please reach out. ❤️…
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I was told I had Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Depression, PTSD, OCD and not only was I diagnosed, I lived with severe symptoms of each and every one of these things. I battled fear my entire life so I just assumed I was a fearful person. I battled sadness my whole life so I assumed I was a sad, darker person. I struggled with compulsive behavior my entire life so I assumed I was a compulsive, stressed type of person. I could go on and on with examples here, but you get the idea. I took on the symptoms of my heart and mind as who I was, my personality. I sought out personality types that would justify my weird ways. I would look for diagnosis and personality types that would help me accept who I thought I was so that I could justify the dysfunction inside of me. I would get a diagnosis and say “Ah, that makes so much sense”. I would accept the dysfunction and through that I allowed it power in my life.
BUT for me to get truly free and healed the way Jesus says, I had to throw this all away and learn an entire new way of living. An entire new understanding of the spiritual battle we are facing each and every day.
I am unpacking this in wayyy more detail on my latest blog “The Voices in Your Head Aren’t You... The Truth About Your Thought Life.” I hope it opens your eyes and gives you hope of a life without mental affliction.…
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The NEW Hope Catalyst Podcast with Justin and I is here! Over the last nearly 15 years of marriage we have walked a road of deep opposition and hardship.
In 2012 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease which snowballed into over 7 incurable conditions, disability and a life of absolute misery. We went from traveling the world, working in the music industry (I was a full time Recording Artist and Songwriter at the time) and enjoying a life filled with adventure and possibility, to complete brokenness and what felt like a dead end. It was dark. It was tragic. And it took a toll.
We both had a choice to make. Would we run from God and allow our lives to be destroyed or would we run with all we had to the one we knew had abundant life? Long story short, we both chose God. We both chose deeply seeking Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth.
We both chose to learn the truth and be willing to forsake all we knew up until this point. We devoured the Word of God. We devoured Truth. We watched sermons, watched testimonies and began a journey to understanding the finished work of the cross and what it meant to us this side of eternity.
And what we found completely transformed our lives.
We are passionate about sharing what we have learned to help you too see the Kingdom of God come to life here and now.
You can read more about it on my blog here:…
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Sunsets, deep talks and prayer with this little one are some of the best moments. We have been talking about our words and how to walk in the power of the Kingdom of God lately. He has been going after Jesus, seeing healings and encountering the Lord in powerful ways. Thankful for the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives this boy to even teach me. He is a deep well of wisdom. Never underestimate children and their capacity. God pours out to the hungry, no matter the age.
Something I have learned in HUGE ways this year is I have to come into agreement with God’s vision for my life, my identity and my future otherwise I fall for the plan of the enemy in my life.
God has a plan for your life, an amazing purpose and future for you. But the unfortunate reality is.. so does the enemy. His plan is to leave you broken, stuck, in destruction and to rob you of every plan of God for your life.
I began to see, that as I partnered my will with what the enemy had planned for me and declared it out of my mouth, I was making agreements with him and giving the enemy access into my life.
Everytime I said “I can’t because i’m sick.” “I’ll never be able to do that.” “I will never have a normal life.” “I don’t get choices. My body determines what I get to do” etc, I was literally cursing myself and using my God given authority to derail my future.
We can use our authority in Christ for good and to be in agreement with the Kingdom of God, but we can also bring forth evil when we agree with the lies of the enemy.
I just put out a blog that shares more of this and I hope it blesses you and helps you find more freedom in your life. ❤️…
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I went from severely debilitated and enslaved by chronic illness and mental disorders to full of life. I want to show you what God taught me so that you too, can overcome. This week I am sharing what I have learned about identity and the crucial role it plays in overcoming. I have realized that the power of our godly imagination is critical in overcoming and walking in victory in any area of our life.
When you think of your future, what do you see? Who do you see yourself as? It’s worth some serious thought and prayer. Cause on the other side of those questions could be the reason you find yourself stuck in areas of your life.
I hope this blog and testimony blesses you and continues you towards a journey of abundant life.…
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Hey! Wanted to say that If you want to follow my journey and continue to read and watch what God leads me to create, I would encourage you to sign up for my mailing list on my website. As the months go on, I seem to get more and more negligent to social media. I will be writing my words on my blog and putting out emails to those who are signed up, but have no guarantee of what my social media output will be. In all honesty, I think it's a toxic space and not one that I'm going to be investing my life into consistently. So if you don't want to miss anything, sign up for emails! You can get there here:
I am sensing He is leading me to write much more in the form of a book or multiple books. But each day is His. I wake up each day asking Him what He has for me and what He desires I put my hand to. Sometimes that's months of quiet and solace in prayer and others that's launching a book or a song and going hard in ministry. But my life is not my own, He is the leader.
So for now, I am praying for you. For your eyes to be opened to His truth. For your heart to know Him deeply and that you would walk in the purpose and freedom that Jesus came to give you.
Here’s the link to sign up and get my E-book free. 🙂
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I had a major wake up call when I got severely sick in 2012. All of a sudden I couldn’t work anymore. I couldn’t dance anymore. I couldn’t make the drive into Hollywood anymore. I couldn’t be independent and be on my own anymore. I exchanged my songwriting schedule for doctor's appointments. I exchanged recording studios for hospital rooms and I began to unravel from the very core of my being as I faced the reality of what was really inside of me. The brokenness I could no longer run from.
I couldn’t run from trauma anymore. I couldn’t fill my schedule and mind with busyness and external pursuits that gave me the illusion of living a full, happy life anymore.
I had to face what was in me. I had to face what I really believed. And I had to, for the first time, find out who I really was, outside of what I do or pursue. And it hit hard.
My new song “Who I Am” was written as a response to what God taught me about the real me, who He created me to be when I had lost my way. I created it as a tool for you to sing truth over yourself as you walk out a journey to freedom.
I am sharing the story behind the song and more of the testimony in my new video and blog.…
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Today is the single release for my new single “Who I Am”!! It is streaming everywhere you listen to music. The message and story behind this song truly changed my life. I found my identity in all the wrong things for too long..I know what the world says I am. I know what doctors say I am. I know what my own heart believes about me. We all have a track record we keep of ourselves. A belief we have about who we think we are.
But what does God say? What does the Truth say?
I wrote my new song “Who I am” as a declaration over your life of who God says you are. I pray it brings breakthroughs and truth into your heart and that you find yourself a little closer to the freedom that God has for you.
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Tiffany Parker is a Recording Artist, Songwriter, Spoken Word Artist, Writer & Worship Leader. Her mission is to use music & creativity to bring hope, freedom, identity and the love of Jesus to this generation.
Her songs have been heard and featured on networks such as TLC, A&E, VH1, MTV, Bravo, E!, Telemundo, Oxygen, ABC, as well as on Oprah Winfrey Network programs and with companies such as Logitech, and Intel.