MÜST,社團法人中華音樂著作權協會,依據中華民國八十六年十一月五日公佈實施之「著作權仲介團體條例」相關規定由國內音樂著作財產權人所組成的社團法人,CISAC 為聯合國教科文組織UNESCO及世界智慧財產組織WIPO相關組織成員。本會所執行音樂著作之公開播送權、公開傳輸權及公開演出權三項權利。
MÜST, Music Copyright Society of Chinese Taipei, founded in 1999 in Taiwan, is under the regulation of Copyright Collective Management Organization Act. MÜST’s major function is to collectively manage the public broadcasting, public performance and public transmission rights of its members. As the sole active member of CISAC for music copyright in Taiwan.