We are a Center for Innovation and Technological Development (CIDT) registered as such since 2009, in the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce with NIT 900.311.105-4 and in accordance with the characterization of COLCIENCIAS -Hoy MinCiencias- (Resolution 688 of 2012 ).
The CIDT Country of Knowledge is registered, and duly registered in the InstiluLAC since December 2011 (Call 538/2011), with headquarters and domicile in the city of Bogotá, and offices in Medellín, Pereira, Bucaramanga and Málaga (Spain).
We provide services by appropriating Living Lab methodologies with Open, Agile and Collaborative Innovation, oriented to strategic plans, programs, projects and activities related to Research, Science, Technology and Innovation (CTeI), and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution (See more at: www.paisdelconocimiento.org and at goo.gl/NyDf4U.