Hi. With this channel I hope to help reveal the Word of God in a more prophetic time than any other, past or future, this is the end of the age of man....the false messiah, or antichrist will shortly (very soon) take global power for 3 1/2 years via the revived (unholy) Roman Empire in Europe. To summarize in one word...DECEPTION. The true messiah Jesus Christ will reign for 1000 years on earth. Everything we see going on in the world, but especially stuff that we DON'T see in mainstream media, is in precise harmony with the only true source of truth, The Bible, as it was written from the mouth of God BEFORE IT WAS MISTRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH in 1611 (KJV). Scoffers will not see correlation between the two (bible prophecy and the present condition of the world and its human inhabitants) because God hasn't given them that insight at this point. I make these points because, well..... I'm living in this time, the end of the 6th millenium. Stay close to Jesus in this perilous time people.