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3 hours ago - 9 likes

(Note - Indigo/Diego are the same person, it's a nickname for them)

"Fine. You may take her, BUT. I come with you."

The sun chuckled and thought about this.

"Alright then, you can come. Your intelligence will come in use"

Indigo released him and helped him to his feet. Bloodharvest watched confused. Should they go? Do they go with them? They took a step back trying to figure out what to do in their current situation. Diego had entered the portal to the other side and picked up harvests body which seemed to have had a relaxed expression. It was strange. She was dead, do dead people show emotions? Was this something only animtronics did?

Bloodharvest cautiously walked over to the portal. They stared at the other side. They wanted to help, they took one step into the portal but was immediately pushed back out. They landed on the ground and looked up just for Sun to lean over and grab them by the scarf, lifting them so they were staring eye to eye.

"My apologies, but I can't have any.. creatures. Running around causing mayhem. Maybe you should go play with some building blocks and let the actual animtronics take care of things."

Sun had dropped Bloodharvest and went back to the portal. He looked over to the little amalgamation and smirked, Bloodharvest knew this person was nothing but bad news. He reminded them of Comet and all the others who shoved them away back in their home dimension. He went to strike the evil sun but the portal had closed, causing them to land face first onto the floor.

Bloodharvest didn't understand their current situation. They didn't know what to feel. What would be the appropriate emotion for this?? Do they even know?? They sat and stared at the floor for a few moments, thinking about what happened and how it made them feel. They understood now. They understood this feeling, they've felt it before. They've been through this before..

They were alone. Just like they were back at their dimension. Just like they were when they became one. Just like they were in their previous lives when they lost each other. Just like those two animtronics were when they were made. They will always be alone. No matter what life, dimension or person they go to. They hated it. The little amalgamation began to weep and cry, they punched the floor repeatedly as a way to deal with their emotions.

"Why. Why me!? Why us!? Why.. always left behind. Always. Always! ALWAYS!!!! Why. We look scary? I can fix that!! Maybe they.. don't think- I'm smart enough-.? I am smart!! We can be smart!!! We can be just like them!!! They wouldn't like.. if they were like us. Alone. A monster."

10 hours ago - 16 likes


Thunder Bringer from epic musical. I wanna use it at some point. But hear me out on this!!!!

Zeus - Dark Sun

Odysseus - new Moon/Nexus

The crew - Celestial family

Penelope - Solar

Earth - "Moon.."
New moon/nexus - "I have to see him.."
Earth - "But we'll die.."
New moon - ".."
Nexus - "I know.."

IT FITS SOO GOOD!! AAAAHAHSGS!!!! I MIGHT MAKE THIS A M.E.P??? OR AN ANIMATIC. Again I did also want to use this for my oc's like E-Set so you'd probably get two animatics of the song!!!

I've never really done a proper M.E.P before and I'll probably make it an audition one?? I wanna get a video out first though before I consider this. (Edit - probably just gonna go animatic route however if anyone does like this idea feel free to take it! )

10 hours ago - 26 likes

"why is everybody always picking on me-!?"

I forgot how much fun it is to make these and edit the hands!! I had to give him little claws because nexus totally would do that to look scarier

Also wanna get out my opinion on Nexus. I don't hate him, his actions yes are terrible but I kinda find it interesting how someone who was supposed to be 'better' did everything in his power to bring someone back. It's like that saying "a hero would sacrifice you to save the world. A villian would tear the world apart to protect you" (it didn't go exactly like that but you understand)

15 hours ago - 40 likes

Found this lying around in ibis paint-
(Click for full image)

1 day ago - 22 likes

"why is everybody always picking on me-!?"

2 days ago - 98 likes


1 - April 2024
2- April 2023
3 - April 2022

2 days ago - 43 likes

"i loved you.
Even though I loved you.
I'll treat you like this.
Like the traitor that you are."

2 days ago - 41 likes

The peacock

2 days ago - 40 likes


3 days ago - 15 likes


Harvest awoke surrounded by darkness. She sat up confused, she swore she was with Comet just a second ago.. did Comet use magic? Where was she? Maybe she's lost? If she was lost, would anyone bother looking for her? Probably not. Not unless they wanted to use her, not unless they needed information on BloodMoon. That's all she was good for, a weapon or a fact book on BloodMoon. At some point she stopped checking on everyone. Every time she went they would come up with excuses and constantly get her name wrong. "Harvey was it? Or was it Hunter??" Or "I'm so sorry! I forgot that was today! Maybe next time?"

"I apologise if my presence caused some issues with your body's functioning." A voice echoed through the darkness, she tried to spot her visitor but all she could see was pitch black. "Ah, It appears you are confused. I understand." At that very moment a tall figure with the features of a sheep? Or was it a goat? Harvest wasn't sure, she'd never actually seen the animal in person. "It appears my previous vessel was slaughtered. By you." Vessel? Slaughter? Who? Harvests mind began to fog. It felt as though she had been sleeping for months. The dark figure approached and helped her to her feet, he held her hands as support while she tried to regain control of her legs. Her body felt weak. Broken.

"Take your time dear." Harvest was confused by the strangers kindness. She stared at him, his eyes. His horns. It was strange. What was he supposed to be? A satyr? Voices began to scream down her ears. The same way they did when she had that fight with comet. Only this time her body felt numb to the pains. Voices screaming her regrets. Her worries. Her fears. "He's using you." "He never loved you." "Why did you do that to him?" "You'll be alone forever". The creature seemed unfazed by her sudden pains. He instead watched. Waited. "Listen to your own voice. Focus on you. Not others."

Her voice? Focus? How could she focus when her thoughts felt like they were being torn apart peice by peice. She tried focusing as hard as she could. She tried searching. Listening. Anything that sounded familiar but the voices began to shout louder. Screaming things she wished she wouldn't hear ever again. "Your a monster." "Your a beast." "Why would anyone want to be with you." "Why are you still here? It wouldn't change if you were gone." "They won't miss you."

"You only attach yourself to others so it can make killing them an easier task."

This. This specific statement stood out the most. E-Set. She shouldn't of hurt him. He didn't deserve death. But he was merely a copy. A second attempt. He took everything from her!! But he did accept her. He never shouted at her or made her feel ashamed for her love or her lack in emotion. He treated as though she was his sister. And she killed him.

Her body felt as though it was dropped on concrete. She fell to her knees. Tears formed in her eyes. She didn't understand why. What was it? Was she damaged!? Her eyes had never done this before. Not as far as she was aware. Was this normal? Why hasn't she ever done this before? Why now, Infront of a stranger in a place that wasn't familiar did she began to feel regret for her actions. So many questions yet no answers. Instead, the stranger knelt down and wrapped his arms around her.

A hug.. she remembered this. She would use hugs when BloodMoon was afraid. Wether he liked it or not, he always accepted her actions of affection. A bloodthirsty killer who had a soft spot for his replacement. She used hugs to help E-Set when he first ran away. The only hug she ever received was from Purple and now.. a stranger. "I understand it's all strange and new. My previous partner's experienced the same pain. It's my power. My aura." His voice seemed to soothe her pain. The voices quietened down and she had only just realised how much she was straining every electrical muscle she had. She relaxed.

"I am Abyss. As you can tell, I need a vessel to survive. The bright lights burn my skin so I used you robotic beings as a bodyguard. In return I offer knowledge, wisdom, my protection and power. Although, it seems you have that. Reminds me of a friend. He has magic as strong as your although it seems you lack control."
"Did you not hear me the first time? My apologies. I am Aby-"
"No no- I heard you! It's just. Why me. Out of billions of humans. God knows how many animtronics and trillions of universes. You decide to choose a stone cold killer as your 'vessel'??? How do you know I won't abuse your power."
"Harvest. I understand, you've been through a lot. Heartbreak, grief, betrayal."
"You. Know NOTHING. about me."

They both stood. Staring at each other until Abyss finally responded.

"I. Am an Astral being. I have power over darkness. Darkness comes in many shapes and forms. Darkness. Fear. Insecurities. Hatred. Any negative thing can easily be manipulated when you have lived for over 60,340 years. You become numb to foolish little things such as fear. You learn to ignore the concerns of others. You earthlings call this apathy I believe? Your lack of emotion and care could maybe be classed as a apathy which could then expand as a trauma response? Although I could be wrong. Either way. I have access to all your fears, bad memories and bad thoughts and feelings. So yes. I. Know. Everything.."