”Neon Capital” is a love letter to everything 80s. The sound, the movies, the colors and the nostalgic memories from a childhood filled with joy and excitement. Music and movies were always the go-to binge when the other kids were not around.
In 1987 the cool thing on Fridays and Saturdays was to hang out at the local burger joint. The place was called RITZ and was located next to a big nightclub. While playing the arcades and listening to hits from the jukebox, we could see the New Romantic girls, who represented the underground scene, standing in line waiting to get into the venue. The makeup and experimental outfits made a big impression on us. We were just kids, but we fell in love every weekend observing the elder girls. While riding our BMX bikes home at night we envisioned having a fake ID and one day being able to enter their world.