Sometimes 'text' just doesn't cut it. Revising for exams often involves reading vasts amounts of text without really knowing if it's 'going in'. We realised this and decided to make video tutorials that concentrate on keeping you engaged right until the end, followed by questions to challenge you and reinforce what you have learned. Also, by constantly changing 'scenes' and adding a variety of media modalities, we are confident that this will help you retain as much information as possible into your new career as a junior doctor.
And our video tutorials don't stop there - we want to make sure you take with you nuggets of information that will be useful as a junior doctor. Little gems of knowledge that you might not get out of a typical textbook or lecture.
And so Boxmedicine was born. We hope you enjoy it!
To make an appointment to see Mr Sinitsky, Consultant Upper GI and General Surgeon, visit