This is largely a collection of clips from old VHS tapes of UK TV shows from the 1990s.
Comments on videos are very welcome. Some have remarked about the sound quality and low volume. Unfortunately, many of these clips were recorded onto LP cassettes on a mono video recorder over 15 years ago and there is little I can do about this.
I'd be extremely grateful if anyone who has a copies of the following would get in touch:
- Watch This Or The Dog Dies (BBC2, 1998)
- Goodbye To The Nineties (BBC2, 1999)
- Nightmare At Canary Wharf (BBC2, 1995)
- Any clips from DEF II (Reportage, The Living Soap etc, BBC2)
- Any clips from Network 7 (Channel Four)
- Any programmes from the Channel 4 "Whose News?" season in 1994/1995