in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Guys, som tu už rok a preto by som chcela pre vás natočiť špeciál. Takže vy, slovenskí odberatelia vyberte
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Aké videá by ste na mojom kanáli chceli vidieť častejšie?
What videos do you want to see on my channel more?
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Rok 2022 sa pomaly blíži ku koncu. A vlastne zostáva už len 11 minút do polnoci. Hádam bude r. 2023 oveľa lepší než 2022. Šťastný nový rok guys!
The year 2022 is slowly coming to an end. And actually there are only 11 minutes left until midnight. I guess it will be 2023 much better than 2022. Happy New Year guys!
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Channel- art works-drawing/painting..., podcasts, dogs and dog tricks.