If you want to learn piano or get Piano lessons that will make your piano play sweeter and melodic then you are in the right place. Here in Piano lessons with Gospelonprime you will find piano lessons on piano scales , chord extensions , piano chords , arpeggios , tritone substitutions , diminished chords , Drop 2 voicings , passing chords & Jazz. If you are looking for beginner piano lessons, intermediate piano lessons or an advanced piano lessons; you are at the right place as I will be sharing freely all that've learnt in my 20 years of being a piano player. If you have any special piano lessons that you would want me to make, feel free to suggest it in the comment session.
We believe that true and authentic music must be pleasant to the hearing and so on this channel we teach you how to unlock your creative potentials . We will be putting out amazing piano tutorials that will help you in your piano journey.