AS-Schneider is one of the world-wide leading manufacturer of Instrumentation and DBB Valves. Our purpose is to help our customers to make their application more safe, efficient, and environmental friendly. We also support the digitalization of the process industry e.g. by our IEC 61406 and VDI 2770 compatible Digital Product Pass which provides easy access to technical product information. Or the Digital Valve Kit which provides plant operators with remote access and remote control of their valves.
Armaturenfabrik Franz Schneider GmbH + Co. KG I Bahnhofplatz 12 I 74226 Nordheim I Germany
Tel. +49 7133-101-0 I Internet: I
Complementary: Rhein Verwaltungs GmbH based in Nordheim register court of Stuttgart HRB 105734
Managing Director: Rolf Kummer
Sales tax identification no.: DE 145793915
DUNS no.: 315738757
Responsible for the content pursuant to § 18 Para. 2 MStV: Rolf Kummer (see above for address)