Hey, wanna see my pencil? My name is Jeffy, see it says it on my shirt, Je-ffy. Please subscribe for videos. Oh yeah also, does anyone need to be saved by POOPERMAN! DADADADADADADUNNNN!!!! POOPERMAN'S HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!!!! Wanna hear a riddle? What's 2+2? It's baby 2. 8-4 is 8. 0+0 is 2! Now that's math!
Personal Information:
Full Name: Jeffy Jeffy
Daddy: Mario
Mommy: Rosalina
Friends: Junior, Joseph, and Cody.
Age: I don't even know
Superhero type: POOPERMAN
Favorite song: Hop hop
Favorite toy: Cat piano *meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow *
Where I live: 7 Jeffy Street