Hi! We are the Banjohallway Team! We make Videos on banjo kazooie cutscenes, hacks, stop n swop, that short of thing! so far, the team is me and Sub-Method, but if you want to be in the team, E-Mail me at leafideas@hotmail.com and i will e-mail you back!
NOTE: Dont get mad and say: What the hell? it was just stop n swop eggs! Its mostly for the website...
www.youtube.com/steveandzach. Yeah, I own that team also. I am mostly going to make videos for the site, but I may make other videos like for contests n' stuff! I am also trying to make us a logo, so if you could help us, e-mail me! my e-mail is the above!
i post random videos here. i work on the forums more than anything else, to be honest
~The BanjoHalway Team
I got some music from there! It rocks!