Hailing from the heart of England and the lands of the ancient forest of Sherwood, Arx Atrata emerged in late 2013. Drawing from a wide range of influences - atmospheric metal masters such as Coldworld and Agalloch, the ambient stylings of Lustre and Paysage d'Hiver, the majesty of Summoning, and a touch of countrymen Winterfylleth and Fen - the result was début album 'Oblivion', a work of blackened doom metal infused with melancholic atmospheres and wintry synth textures, meeting with widespread acclaim.
'Spiritus In Terra' was released in 2016 to similar acclaim as the first record, and 2019's "The Path Untravelled" and the 2021 instrumental split "The Warrior Cycle" followed, showcasing continued growth while never departing from the sorrowful aura or black metal textures established by the début.
After a period of relative quiet, 2024's return is the boldest record yet, firmly staking Arx Atrata's claim to be one of the UK's most exceptional black metal acts.