My name is Kyle “El Rojo” England - I’m trying to improve my overall fitness and inspire others to do the same.
Key numbers: 32 years old/5’7/From 284lbs to ~235lbs so far.
In June of 2024, I ran my first half-marathon as a challenge to get myself out of my comfort zone.
In August of 2024, I had my first of two flat foot surgeries. I recovered from the first surgery by November of 2024, then had the second in December of 2024. I’m currently recovering from the second surgery and should be recovered by February/March of 2025.
I want to help people regain control of their lives, just as I did, my becoming more active and moving with purpose.
Subscribe if you’d like to learn more, if you’d like to see more workout videos, or if you simply would like to follow my journey.