in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
First post of this sort, but I feel this is an important issue for our community here on YouTube. While I personally don’t earn any money off this website, there are many that do and with YouTube’s current copyright system, that income is threatened by large corporations that abuse YouTube’s broken system. Creators are unable to defend their property through the copyright system as it heavily favours the claim holder, leaving legal action as the only action. But for smaller YouTubers, this isn’t really an option due to costs associated with lawyers.
I invite you all to merely watch and spread this video around if you can so hopefully YouTube as a business is forced to recognize this exploitation. As a community, we need to stand together for those who aren’t able to fight the system alone. Even little things such as raising awareness helps greatly in the long run.
Thank you for reading.
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Hello. Welcome to my channel.
I am a horror movie fanatic with a taste for cutesy art styles.
While I enjoy a multitude of media, I mostly use Paint Tool Sai for art!
If you would like to contact me, please reach out over my instagram dm's!