Hello and welcome to my channel. In July 2020 my life as I had known it drastically changed. I had been walking through life essentially in darkness. I grew up in church, but was so far removed from the little i did know, but as I laid on my couch overtaken by depression and so may other things, I heard the voice of God tell me to get up, I knew his voice. I had not pray much at that point, no more thank blessing my food or those "God bless my family" prayers. From the outside looking in it appeared I had it all together , but that was far from the truth. Since that day in the summer when God told me to get up; He's brought me back home to him. Deliverance Healing , pruning ,growth and showing me my identity are some of the many things that have been taking place in my life. Out of obedience and reluctance lol I started this channel. God showed me I have a greater purpose. So here I am to reach back and help others grow spiritually, physically and emotionally. We all have purpose !