in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
HEY GUYS!!! Once the Ocarina of Time series is over, what other games would you be interested in us playing?????
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Helllooooo everybody its Awesome here, announcing a rare D-D-DOUBLE UPLOAD TODAY!!!??? Get ready for a SCAAARILY good upload coming VERY SOON >:)
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hey saucers, mister sauce here (blake). I'm going to VIDCON and on the VERY RARE chance any of you loyal awesomers will be attending, LET ME KNOW. love you guys!! some crazy content DROPPING SOON!!
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Hey guys double upload tomorrow part 6 of Ocarina of time as well as call of duty zombies we would have liked to upload them today but due to me (Carson) being a 🤡
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Sorry for being really inconsistent these past weeks. we’ve been trying to get a back log of videos so we’ve had to spend more time recording and due other various circumstances we have had trouble keep up with or upload schedule don’t worry though😎 awesome sauce is just getting started!!!
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Hey guys, Sauce here we’re gonna upload this weeks Friday upload to tomorrow due to a manufacturing error with the Sauce™ as a consolation here are some pictures of Carson’s dogs
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Late night SAUCEPOST!! Hope you guys are enjoying the content as of late! Who's your favorite Sauce Brother so far >:))) THATS RIGHT WE'RE GONNA START BEEF OVER THE RESULT OF THIS POLL.
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hey guys sauce here, first episode of our silly lil podcast comes out in like 7 hours 😎 WHOS EXCITEX
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Awesome Sauce is a channel run by two revolutionaries of the YouTube sphere. Blake and Carson have taken their unique mix of spunk and tenacity and forged a channel the likes of which is sure to rattle the cages of the YouTube 1%. Viewers should practice caution when clicking on any of their otherworldly videos, as they may be subjugated to a dastardly array of emotions such as: fun, entertainment, yearning, joy, spontaneous urinating, and happiness!