Bethesda Home & school for the blind is a voluntary Non-profit organization set up to fine care to physically challenged persons who are visually-impaired. Facilities provided by the government all over the country to provide services to visually impaired (blind) persons are grossly inadequate. Consequently, due to great compassion of the promoters for the blind, the Home was established to fill the gap in service delivery to this category of citizens. The idea to set up the fact that the promoter (Mrs. Chioma Ohakwe) had siblings who are visually- impaired. This provided her with the first- hand knowledge and understanding of the difficulties the Blinb go through and the need to give them compassionate care and protection. The Home/school emerged informally in the late 1990s when a few people brought their blind relatives to join siblings of the promoter who were being taken care of. By 2001, a home to take care and address the needs of the blind had been formed.