Experience the outdoors in a whole new way - with premium outdoor gear designed for big adventures in the sun! At Suniela Beach, we're putting the STYLE in your outdoor lifestyle π
You'll feel like a million bucks sitting in the cool shade of your Suniela cabana - perfect for exploring off-the-beaten path. Our Cotton canopies offer natural UPF 50+ sun protection - without UV chemical treatments. Do you really want to sit in a sweaty beach tent? Cotton keeps you cooler than synthetics!
From packable chairs to paddleball games, beach mats to hand fans, Suniela's got you covered when you're in the sun.
Our products are made with the planet in mind and we take pride in using sustainable & renewable materials that won't break in real-world conditions. We're a proudly Canadian brand & our unique cabanas were invented in the beach town of Hubbards, Nova Scotia - where the coastal winds are strong!
From the backyard to that tropical vacation...
Where will Suniela take you?