This is the weekly Live Portion for the TAG Lightworkers Membership. Members get private access to weekly healings and readings in their membership spaces. Some are for public view.
Join this beautiful Community Membership of Lightworkers for Transformation & Ascension with Sound Waves Heal to:
✨Expand your Clairs and Psychic Senses
✨Connect to more Beings of Light to add to your sessions or self-healoing and exploration
✨Connect to Angels, Spirit Guides, Fae Elementals, Star Guides and Helpers, Ascended Masters, & Deities
✨Increase Self Healing
✨Connect to many Grids to Accelerate your Healing & Ascension
✨Browse an entire Library of Mystery School Subjects, Teachings, Meditations, Attunements and more
✨Stay on top of your Spirituality with only 30 minutes a week or do more- hours and hours of videos of over 60+ programs to explore
✨Receive LIVE help from Advanced Channels & Healers each week for personal messages and healing
Learn more at