When my daughter was 4 years old I began teaching her to play the drums. Having played in numerous bands and with over 20 years of experience teaching music to children, I was eager to start jamming with her.
It quickly became apparent that the traditional drum teaching resources and methodologies were not engaging or effective for four-year olds. I got creative and began developing a practical, results-based learning approach to develop her playing in a fun and engaging way. My daughter's skills grew very quickly and when she was 5 years old she began performing drums in front of live audiences.
Over the past 4 years I have continued to expand my teaching methodology into a proven system that allows children who have no musical background to get behind the drum kit and start playing songs in just a few weeks.
Many of my students are now creating their own drum covers on YouTube. Please support young drum learners by clicking the links and subscribing to their channels.