If you have race pride and love your race, join the Moorish Science Temple of America and become a part of this Divine Movement, then you will have power to redeem your race because you will know who you are, and your forefathers were.
Because where there is unity there is strength.
"Together we stand, divided we fall."
Come, good people, because I, the Prophet, sent to redeem this nation from mental slavery which you have now, need every one of you who think that your condition can be better.
This is a field open to strong men and women to uplift the nation and take your place in the affairs of men.
If the Europeans and other nations are helping me, why not you, it is your problem.
The Negro problem is being solved only as it can, and that is by the Moorish National Divine Movement.
If you have a nation, you must have a free national name in order to be recognized.