This channel is all about Lord Krishna and activities related to krishna's life. It's a place of knowledge and guidance given by lord krishna. My purpose to make this channel is only one and that is to spread krishna's Message.
All glories to Lord Krishna, All glories to Lord Krishna, All glories to Lord Krishna.
Bhagavad Gita Shloka (9:31) "kс╣гhipraс╣Б bhavati dharm─Бtm─Б ┼Ыha┼Ыhvach-chh─Бntiс╣Б nigachchhati
kaunteya pratij─Бn─лhi na me bhaktaс╕е praс╣Зa┼Ыhyati""
Translation: "He quickly becomes righteous and attains lasting peace. O son of Kunt─л, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes."
Mahamantra: "Hare krishna Hare krishna Krishna krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare"
Please Chant and be happy :-)
Thank You
Sneha Mishra