Dr. Kyle ChristensenD.C., N.D., M.H
Dr. Christensen has been a practicing chiropractor (since 1985), as well as a naturopath and master herbalist. His expertise lies in treating a myriad of conditions using herbal cleanses and remedies, allergy elimination treatments (BioSET/NAET/PMT), acupressure, Dr. Weissman's Lifeline Technique, natural therapies and chiropractic health care. He is the author of Herbal First Aid and Health Care: Medicine for a New Millennium. Dr. Christensen has conducted workshops locally and around the country on natural healthcare with the goal to have "An Herbalist in Every Home".
Dr. Christensen has been an active member of the Weston A. Price Foundation and is a strong advocate of living close to the earth and having a diet focused on whole natural foods.