† Roblox: xMightyMustang †
† Lore Characters: Mustang'Run, Takahe, Bracken'Stride + Brother , Vice.
† I do not condone Cosplayers/fans who copy/dress up as my morph. Anyone who does this is no fan of mine
† Lvl 17
Email: xmustangwcue@gmail.com (not checked as much. If you leave an email for me comment that you did)
Discord: mighty.mustang
Roblox: xMightyMustang
† Don't cause unnecessary drama with me. Dm me on Discord or shoot me an email about anything drama related. Do not make community posts on me. If you're brave enough to call me out publicly you should be brave enough to maturely straighten things out privately. There is ALWAYS proof/meaning behind what I say, and I will ALWAYS be happy to provide said proof.
† Boundaries:
- Don't tag me in MEP calls or to ask for boosts
- Only tag me in fan-art, drama, credit, updates, or questions.
- In game I love screenies, and highfives but don't crowd me or sit on me.
† MSU ECE 2026 †