in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Greetings beautiful folks and fair travelers!
- It's time for an important announcement.
I've decided to stop making content.
Lately I haven't felt excited about the game, and that naturally affects the channel. I'm feeling quite burnt out by now, but in a strangely satisfying way.
I'm so grateful for this game. To me this has been the perfect RPG - with its sublime story, ferocious challenges and enticing combat system. As a whole CotC has given me so much enthusiasm and joy, I couldn't think of anything that would make it better. CotC has satisfied every itch I've ever had about the genre, and I don't see myself playing another RPG again. At least not for a good while ;)
It's time to move on, both from the channel and the game. And I do so with a happy heart - looking back at the greatest community I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of!
Before I leave I'd like to finish the Master of All video series, and then the channel will fizzle out into a fulfilling end. I leave the channel as an archive of the battles and stories of old.
Happy Holidays to you all, and thank you for staying with me.
- Empyrean out
PS: If you want to stay up to date on CotC I recommend to follow these amazing content creators: @PrimismyEX @BruniPlaysOctopath @Momen020 @urshikocotc @DreamtOf @free2PlayerCotC @unb1025 @coheee @DjGriM90 @cotc_grind1059 With a special mention for beginners: @ShizukatzCotC
67 - 39
Today we have passed a subscriber milestone! The number, in true Octopath fashion, is a cause for Celebration!
I can't really fathom how over 800(!) of you find the channel worth following, despite it being mostly battle videos. 800 is a LOT of people, wow. I'm sad to say that I probably know less than half of you, but I care for you all the same. I always enjoy reading your comments and chatting with you, so feel free to leave a comment once in a while, so that we can get in touch :D
- Thank you all for tuning in! I feel truly blessed to have you all with me. <3
42 - 12
This is currently the hardest boss in the game, as of patch 2.3.0.
Someone (somehow) figured out a way to defeat them in just 5 turns.
That means an average of over 400 000 damage per turn!
Please watch @PrimismyEX decimate this duo, if you can endure the lunacy!
13 - 1
Hello Everybody!
In celebrating the release of our best boy Rondo, I will host a Pull Party where I'll be streaming my guides on Discord. I invite you all to join for a good time - to hang out, chat and watch some Octopath! :D
Place: the CotC server (link: Locate the Voice Chat 1 under Voice Channels (we might move to VC2 or 3 if #1 is taken).
Time: Wednesday 30th of August - 20:00 UTC.
Hope to see you there!
30 - 11
The level of finesse and efficiency presented in this video hasn't been done in EN. It is surely an awe-inspiring thing to behold.
If you enjoy watching CotC gameplay, I implore you to visit my good friend's channel: @PrimismyEX and check his Largo 5 turn (!!) clear!
20 - 4
Hello everybody!
I am not going to pull on the summer banners, but I'd love to hear about your luck!
My plan for future pulls have been revamped into 3 tiers for simplicity, so I thought I'd share it. Do you have a saving/pulling plan for #OctopathCotC ?
26 - 53
A year ago I defeated the Masters, and somehow managed to keep their photos!
Looking at these teams I can safely say that I'd do a better job today. But in my defense, I was a noob and had no idea about pretty much anything. I remember Herminia and Pardis being particularly difficult for me.
What are your memories from your first days of playing?
Happy 1st anniversary everybody :D
33 - 15
Would you like to reach Tier 3 in the Tikilen Race? But you have few 5-stars? Don't worry! The skilled theorycrafter "Primrose is my EX" got you covered!
Check out his recent 9turn(!!!) clear of Tikilen, using only 4 stars, 3 stars, and simple equipment!
Back when the content first launched I had to spend 70 turns to accomplish a 4-star victory vs Tikilen.
So go grab those 300 rubies!
6 - 1
For those of you who still struggle with Yan Long, check out this video by @Corvine0 ! The video features an excellent trick to avoid some nasty RNG.
You still have time to enter the Yan Long Race, so go out there and get your rubies!
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Empyrean Sky is a merry band of travelers dedicated to the joys and challenges of Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent.
Free 2 Play - Friendly Content
The content on this channel is created with a low-to-no budget in mind. Therefore, any challenges tackled here can be accomplished by anyone.
Discord - Empyrean Sky#7823