Thrower~Designer~Creator of Viking style axes!
My channel is based on the love of axes, primarily axes for axe throwing! I do in depth reviews on dedicated throwing axes but I also review work axes for axe throwing. I learned axe throwing with work axes such as Gränsfors Bruk and Council Tool. I have learned how to modify these great work axes and make them into multi purpose tools! Great for axe throwing but keeping the ability to use them as a traditional chopping axe!
I also do custom hafting on my channel where I go outside the box of normal to create great throwing axes with not so traditional axe heads and handles and also a twist on how I haft my throwing axes.
With axe throwing being such a passion for me, I have in depth videos which are called "How to throw an axe like a Viking" where I detail how to throw axes with power, accuracy and consistency. I cover stance, grip and delivery of the axe into a target.
Join me on the quest to find the best throwing axes!