This is my family just doing what they do part of our regular life in clips here and there to keep for memories . We are not out there making huge fireworks of films/ videos , just simple of a normal life .
We have 3 children , 2 together ( 2 daughters ), one is my own son , one son of ours is an angel at 3 months of age .
My boyfriend Hugo ( currently separated) he
has 3 other children in another province .
We love boarder collies , raise them, and breed them , they are like our family . We have reptiles in our home (2 snakes / 1 geoko) , a rabbit , and fish .
Our oldest daughter had spinal muscular atrophy type 1, number 1 genetic killler in infants . She is a fighter and has been receiving treatments for SMA . The treatments help for sure making a world of difference in her life
We love our family lots , embrace one day at a time.