About the secrets of amulets. Tibetan dZi beads. Pagan amulets and charms. Mysterious stories. Herbs and Potions. Ancient anti-aging and healing recipes. Magic rituals. Entertaining information. Dot art.
I invite everyone to their sites:
* My personal blog, Natalia's Magic Studio -
* Tibetan dZi beads and dZi jewelry - dzi.osekretah.ru
Donate the channel - www.donationalerts.com/r/osekretahlive
*About me:
My name is Natalia. I am a collector Tibetan amulets, a collector of ancient rituals and stories, searcher of reality in old legends. I don’t have any relation to magicians, fortunetellers and mentalists. I collect amulets, articles made of stones and various ritual things. I also collect stories, legends and rituals, write down them and tell people. I am engaged in dot painting, making prayer beads and jewels from amulets.
#dzi #tibetandzibead #dzibead #amulets
* Treat the information on the channel as entertaining.