We are the kind of people who look at a pile of dirt and think, "Could this smell like clean linen?" Instead of purchasing fragrance from a large company to test it out, we hired a team of professional perfumers to create custom fragrance oils for us. Doing things the easy way has never been our default.
Day by day, the moments when life just stunk (we’re looking at you, kids, dog, shoe pile) spurred us on to perfect our portable, affordable scent packets.
The team of perfumers grew to include scientists, designers, and marketers. Then boom–we created the dream: a diffuser that could fragrance a small space for up to 9 months for just $3.00."Let’s call it something no one really knows how to pronounce," we logically decided, and the scented sachet was born.
Since then, we’ve just tried to prove that life doesn’t have to stink.