It is our goal, here at Prepared to Live, to equip you with the skills, systems and resources to build a Lifeproof Life. Homesteading, prepping, survival and self reliance all require a broad set of skills. With over 40 years of experience in outdoor and homestead living we are uniquely positioned to teach those skills. Our philosophy is simple, transferrable, and repeatable.
1. Prepare - The only way to be self reliant is to understand the labor, time and resource inputs and maximize the return on those investments. Creating a plan ensures a streamlined workflow with a measurable outcome target.
2. Produce - Once you've planned the work, it's time to work the plan. Production is about maximizing the skills you have to efficiently get a result. Production is all about the work!
3. Protect - This final step closes the self sufficiency loop. Production without protection is waste. Waste is number one enemy of creating self sufficient life.