Currently: 📍 Samos ,Greece.
All blessings come in 3s ☦︎
1. Trials of my Past: Life's challenges guide me on a spiritual journey toward God.
2. Spreading the Word:** Passionately sharing the wisdom of Christianity (as best I can!)
3. Giving Back:* Gratefully giving to others what God has given me.
☦︎ Faith, Fitness, Fulfillment:*
I Three pillars form the foundation of my life. I believe in nurturing both the body and soul, striving for holistic wellness and spiritual fulfillment.
Alongside our faith, I have a deep appreciation for the timeless wisdom of stoicism. From the works of Zeno to Marcus Aurelius, stoic philosophy resonate deeply with me, offering valuable insights peace.
Join me on this journey of faith, fitness, and fulfillment, as we navigate life's twists and turns TOGETHER. My inspiration from the teachings of our faith and the wisdom of the stoic philosophers.
Enjoy my videos… now, together let's illuminate our paths and spread love in the world