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Vita Koreneva, Mezzo ♪ Вита Коренева, Меццо

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Vita Koreneva, Mezzo-Soprano & Composer

Happy Valentine’s to you! #happyvalentinesday #selfcare #celebrateyourself Поздравляю со Старым Новым Годом! #старыйгод #новыйгод #старыйновыйгод #поздравляю #певица #меццо An oldie but goodie #ifilovedyou #carousel #rogerandhammerstein #musical #lovesong #mezzosoprano “Home for Christmas” Original Song 🎵 christmassongs #songs #homeforchristmas #originalsong #music “End of the Year” Original Song #newyearsong #endoftheyear #songs #music The fascinating origin of “O Holy Night” song #oholynight #merrychristmas #songs #storytime #shorts Eboli sings: One day is left to save him! #doncarlos #verdi #opera #mezzo #operasingers Rigoletto "His life's worth more than 20 coins" #rigoletto #opera #verdi #maddalena #shorts #music Vita Koreneva is singing a Chinese song “Da Hai a Gu Xiang” 大海啊故乡 at @LincolnCenter #song #voice A Day in Life: A Recording Session #vitakoreneva #belt #mezzosoprano #alto #voice #recordingartist Pianissimo singing #singing #singers #piamissimo # #breathingtechnique #singsoftly Lyrics for the “Swan” from the Carnival of Animals with English translation #music #song #voice Kalinka Russian song lyrics in English #kalinka #lyrics #russianmusic #singing #kalinkalyrics #songs Going to Manhattan for a New York Songwriters Collective to sing my new #song #songwriters #artist Breath Control Challenge #singers #vocalise #rachmaninoff #vocalist #singingchallenge #song #vita Who’s singing, a man or a woman? Can you guess? #music #voice #singers #puzzle #singing #rare #arts There is NO old school versus modern school #singing #singers #opera #saoiahernandez #shorts #voice What is singing? Learn from the Best. Galina Vishnevskaya explains #opera #singing #voice #singers The world premier of “Swan” as a beautiful unity of #ballet and #opera #swan #умирающийлебедь #arts International American Ballet Show "Masters of Legacy" #classicalmusic #ballet #arts #dance #opera Dalila’s “Mon Coeur S’Ouvre a ta voix” #opera #singer #dalila #mezzosoprano #love #classicalmusic Practicing Princess Aria “Acerba Volutta” at home #mezzosoprano #singing #operasinger #voice How to sing Long Phrases? A masterful example #Montserratcaballe #singing #singers #classicalmusic A story of love, revenge & secrets: Dalila's Aria "Love come aide my weakness" #opera #dalila #mezzo At the Bitter End in New York for Songwriters Collective #singersongwriter #nyc #bitterend #songs Rachmaninoff "Do not sing to me, beautiful maiden" #rachmaninoff #artsongs #mezzo #рахманинов #sing “Spring Waters” Rachmaninoff #songs #music #rachmaninoff #singer #classicalmusic #opera #рахманинов Practicing Ulrica's Aria "Re Dell'abisso Ulrica" at home #ulrica #verdi #redellabisso #opera #sing April 1, 2023 Rachmaninoff’s 150th Birthday! #vespers #mezzo #rachmaninoff #anniversary #150 #vigil Part 2: What Repertoire to Sing in Auditions #auditions #singers #opera #auditiontips #singing Part 1: How Theater Casting Directors Make Decisions #opera #singers #casting #singing #auditions A mezzo sings a trouser role in a rarely performed opera Zanetto Opera singers’ breath support: Eileen Farrell #singing #opera #singers #wagner #classicalmusic Singing #opera with #AI #boldglamour #fun #singing #filtervsreality #shorts #irinashayk #lookalikes “All I ask of you” #phantomoftheopera #love #andrewlloydwebber #mezzosoprano #opera #musical Chest voice in a Mezzo-soprano - Azucena’s Aria “Condotta ell’era” #iltrovatore #verdi #opera Practicing Dalila’s Aria “Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse” at home #samsonetdalila #amour #opera Il Tabarro: last performance of singing La Frugola #opera #iltabarro #iltrittico #puccini #singers How to sing in French? #operasinger #singers #singingtips #french #howtosing #diction #dictionbuddy Elena Obraztsova Masterclass for Ulrica's Aria "Re, dell'abisso" #obraztsova #ulrica #masterclass Practicing Eboli Aria “O, Don fatale” at home #eboli #verdi #doncarlos #odonfatale #practice #opera An opera singer Irina Arkhipova accompanies herself in the piano #opera #опера #arkhipova #архипова Pictures from Puccini Opera Il Tabarro #trittico #opera #operasinger #опера #classicalmusic #mezzo When you are feeling sad, remember that “The Sun will shine!” #originalsong #npr #tinydeskcontest Transforming into a hoarder La Frugola - Behind the scenes #opera #behindthescenes #wiginstall #fun Low Notes Galore - Acerba Volutta #mezzosoprano #voice #opera #shorts #aria #меццо #classicalmusic A Puzzle from Puccini in #IlTrittico #iltabarro #puccini #opera #singers #classicalmusic #puzzle La Frugola from #IlTabarro is #singing about her cat, but is it really about a cat? #puzzle #opera