I've built these Worship Videos to Honor & Give God the Glory.
I don't own the songs/lyrics or images therefore the videos are not for sale or profit. If you download you must own your own legal copy of the audio & support these artist by purchasing their work @ Amazonmp3 or iTunes and be a member of CCLI to be legal! This is a ministry dedicated to our Lord, Jehovah Jireh-the Lord provides. .May we always give Him the praise and the glory He alone deserves
Are the songs we sing today true?
Are the songs we sing today glorifying to God?
Are the songs we sing today edifying* to his Bride? *instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.
Do they teach us proper theology*? Theology is the study of God, His nature, attributes, character, abilities, revelation
Do they open the door for prayer expressed in ways simple words cannot?
Do they lead us into the presence of God and allow Him to do spiritual business with our hearts